The North Carolina Chronicles: Part Three

What a month it’s been since I last updated my blog! Since Thanksgiving break, I finished out my first semester at Ole Miss before heading back to Executive Office in Atlanta. I cannot describe how exciting it was to see my fellow consultant sisters and catch up on their adventures on the road! One week together didn’t seem like enough, but we were all very anxious to head home for the holidays!


From Atlanta, I traveled to Charleston to visit with friends and family before making my way home to Greenville for the rest of break. It was good to catch up with old friends, and of course, enjoy some home-cooked food.

After a couple weeks back in South Carolina, I hit the road for spring semester. I went straight into formal recruitment at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. Although it wasn’t too far from home, it was my first visit to the university and Winston-Salem. If you haven’t ever been, I highly recommend stopping in to see this beautiful campus! I loved getting to hear about the campus history, and learn more about our Alpha Delta Pi chapter there.

I can honestly say, these were some of the most incredible women inside and out! Formal recruitment can be a tiring week, but I never once saw their moral dip. Little sleep and tired feet can get to the best of us, but these sisters never complained and always came ready to work. I think this mentality definitely paid off on Bid Day when they welcome home 49 new members to our sisterhood!

Thank you Eta Upsilon sister for a great first week on the road! Thank you for catering to my coffee addiction and giving me one of my favorite recruitment weeks this year!


Next stop? I’m heading over to North Carolina State University to spend a few days with my Zeta Beta sisters in Raleigh!

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